THE STORY OF CREATION Genesis 1:26 "Lets us make man in our image, after our likeness." God loves us. Therefore, He created a beautiful world for us to live in. God created the world by His power. He created the world step by step. THE STORY OF CREATION First Day: God made light Second Day: God made the sky and the heavens Third-Day: God made the earth, forest, seas, rivers, lakes and streams. Fourth Day: God made the sun, moon and stars Fifth Day: God made the birds in the air and the fish in the sea Sixth Day: God made all the other animals. God then made man and put him in charge of the world. God created Adam and Eve and put them in a beautiful garden called "the Garden of Eden." Seventh Day: God rested and blessed all His creatures. On the seventh day, God rested and blessed all His work of creation. He made the Sabbath the day of rest for everybody. Sabbath is Sunday bu...