

THE STORY OF CREATION Genesis 1:26 "Lets us make man in our image, after our  likeness." God loves us. Therefore, He created a beautiful world for us to live  in. God created the world by His power. He created the world step  by step. THE STORY OF CREATION First Day: God made light   Second Day: God made the sky and the heavens   Third-Day: God made the earth, forest, seas, rivers, lakes and streams.   Fourth Day: God made the sun, moon and stars   Fifth Day: God made the birds in the air and the fish in the sea   Sixth Day: God made all the other animals. God then made man and put him in charge of the world. God created Adam and Eve and put them in a beautiful garden  called "the Garden of Eden." Seventh Day: God rested and blessed all His creatures. On the seventh day, God rested and blessed all His work of creation.  He made the Sabbath the day of rest for everybody. Sabbath is  Sunday bu...

Year 8 CRS Revision summary July 7, 2020

THE TRIUMPHANT ENTRY. After Jesus finished His ministry in Galilee, He decided to go to Jerusalem. On the way to Jerusalem He and His disciples got to a village called Bethpage situated on the slopes of Mount Olives near Jerusalem. Jesus sent two of His disciples to Bethany another village near Jerusalem. They were instructed to bring back a young colt which had never being driven by anyone. If challenged, they should reply, the master had need of it and it will be returned after use.  The disciples went and found things exactly the way Jesus instructed. They brought back the colt and laid their garments on it Jesus sat on the colt and He, his disciples with people that had gathered began to move slowly towards Jerusalem. The people paid homage to Jesus by spreading their garments and palm leaves on the road for Jesus to ride over. Many hold palm leaves in their hands and were shouting as Jesus entered Jerusalem ‘’Hosannain the highest, blessed His he that comes in the name of the ...


GOD SPEAKS TO US MEMORY VERSE: MATTHEW 7:24 “Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock..." VARIOUS WAYS GOD SPEAKS TO US The following are some of the ways through which God speaks to us: 1. Dreams 2. Vision 3. Voice 4. Through the Prophets 5. Through His word (Bible) REASONS WHY GOD SPEAKS TO US God speaks to us for different reasons; some of the reasons are: 1. To lead us in the right path 2. To tell us what will happen in the future 3. To give us an assignment 4. To save us from danger Moral Lesson: God speaks to us in various ways. We must be patient to hear Him when He speaks GOD IS OUR FATHER WHO TAKES CARE OF US Memory verse: Psalm 20:7 "Some boast of chariots and some boast of horses, but we boast of the name of the Lord our God." To trust is to believe in somebody who can care for us and help us when we are in difficulty.   God cares for us Jesus said God; our Fathe...


WAGES AND INCOME An income is a money an individual or business receives in exchange for labour and services. While a wage is a fixed regular payment earned for work or services, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis. REASONS WHY PEOPLE GET PAID DIFFERENT SALARIES WITHIN THE SAME ORGANIZATION 1.      Seniority or Experience Some companies calculate compensation on the basis of seniority within the company or overall job experience. 2.        Qualifications or Expertise In some cases, employees with the same job role may have very different qualifications, credentials or areas of expertise. 3.      Performance Many employers provide economic incentives for strong performance. Two employees with similar backgrounds, seniority and job experience may still perform at different levels. 4.      Employee Negotiation Some employees make more money than their colleagues simply because t...


PEACEMAKING Memory Verse: Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” What is peacemaking? Peacemaking is the act of settling disputes and misunderstandings among people. A person who is always making peace by settling disputes and misunderstanding among people is called a peacemaker . THE NEEDS TO PRACTICE PEACEMAKING 1. It brings understanding between people 2. It brings peace 3. It brings love        4. It brings friendship and unity 5. It brings happiness, development and prosperity Moral Lesson: Peacemaking helps to make our society a better place to live in. THE CALL OF ABRAHAM MEMORY VERSE: Genesis 12:1 "Go from your country and kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you." Terah , was the father of Abraham . They lived in Ur in the Southern Mesopotamia . After the death of Terah, God called Abraham to leave his country to a new land that He would show...