Christian Organisations. Religious Studies (Year 9) 8th May 2020
Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Year 9
Date: May 8th, 2020
Topic: Christian organisation.
Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Explain the aims of religious organisations.
2. List and explain different Christian organisations.
All the churches in Nigeria have got organisations and societies.
These organisations are set up especially for the spiritual and moral training of the youths so that they can grow up to be responsible and useful Christian citizens contributing their best to the peace, unity and progress of the Church and the nation.
There are many organisations in Nigeria.
Aims Of Religious Organisations are as follows:
1. To work together in preaching the gospel.
2. To bring together people of the same aspirations for the growth of the church.
3. To have wider fellowship among Christians.
4. To strengthen fellow Christians under persecution.
5. To work together in finding solutions to Christians common problems.
The following are some Christian organisations in Nigeria:
1. Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN)
2. Nigeria Association of Biblical Studies (NABS)
3. National Association of Bible Knowledge Teachers of Nigeria (NABKTN).
4. Scripture Union of Nigeria (SUN)
5. Nigeria Evangelical Fellowship (NEF)
6. Young Men Christian Association of Nigeria (YMCAN)
7. Young Women Christian Association of Nigeria (YWCAN)
8. Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship of Nigeria (FGBMFN)
9. Pentecostal Christian Fellowship of Nigeria (PCFN)
10. Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NFEC)
11. Christian Lawyers Fellowship of Nigeria (CLFN)
12. Bible Society of Nigeria (BSN)
The World Council of Churches (WCC)
This is one of the International Christian Organisations.
The desire for Christian unity and co-operation instead of the hostilities and rivalries that existed among the various denominations in the world harmed missionary activities and this led to the formation of the World Council of Churches in 1948.
It brought together all the Protestant Churches in the world.
The Christian Council of Nigeria is a member of this body.
It has representatives at the headquarters of the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland.
Aims and Objectives of World Council of Churches are:
• It aims at bringing about Christian co-operation and unity with fellow Protestants and with the Catholic Church.
• It undertakes projects in developing countries to improve the living conditions of the people.
Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN):
It is made up of all the Christian denominations in Nigeria.
It was established in 1976 and officially launched in 1980.
It has five main objectives. These are to:
1. Serve as basis of response to the unity of the church.
2. Act as a liaison committee for consultation and common action.
3. Be a watch dog of the spiritual and moral welfare of the nation.
4. Propagate the Gospel.
5. Promote understanding among the various peoples and strata of society in Nigeria.
Through CAN, the Christian denominations unite and co-operate with one another on various local and national issues especially health, education, social welfare and politics.
The current national chairman of CAN is Rev. Supo Ayokunle.
Nigeria Association of Biblical Studies (NABS):
It is also one of the international Christian Organisations.
PFN—Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria: This is another international Christian Organisations in Nigeria, the current chairman is Dr. Felix Omobude.