
Showing posts from July, 2020


Mary and Joseph MEMORY VERSE: LUKE 1:38   "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; Let it be me  according to your word." Joseph was from the house of David and he lived in Nazareth , in Galilee . He was a carpenter . Joseph and Mary were engaged to get married before the angel visited Mary . The name of the Angel is Angel Gabriel . The Angel told Mary that she will give birth to Jesus who would be the saviour of the world. THE BIRTH OF JESUS Memory verse: Luke2:15 “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased." THE BIRTH OF JESUS When it was time for Jesus to be born, Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem for a census and there, Jesus was born in a stable. His mother wrapped him in a white cloth and laid him in a manger After Jesus was born, some wise men who followed a special  star from the East visited him. They worshipped Jesus and  presented the following gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. JESUS...


THE STORY OF CREATION Genesis 1:26 "Lets us make man in our image, after our  likeness." THE STORY OF CREATION First Day: God made light   Second Day: God made the sky and the heavens   Third-Day: God made the earth, forest, seas, rivers, lakes and streams.   Fourth Day: God made the sun, moon and stars   Fifth Day: God made the birds in the air and the fish in the sea   Sixth Day: God made all the other animals. God then made man and put him in charge of the world. God created Adam and Eve and put them in a beautiful  the garden called "the Garden of Eden." Seventh Day: God rested and blessed all His creatures. THE CALL OF ABRAHAM MEMORY VERSE:            Genesis 12:1 "Go from your country and kindred and  your father's house to the land that I will show you." Terah , was the father of Abraham . They lived in Ur in the Southern Mesopotamia . After the ...


MODERATION IN CHRISTIAN LIFE MEMORY VERSE : PROVERBS 23:20 "Be not among winebibbers or among gluttonous eaters  of meat; for the drunkard and the glutton will come to  poverty..." THINGS THAT WE MUST DO MODERATELY AS CHRISTIANS 1 . Drinking: We should drink both water and wine moderately to avoid being uncomforted. 2. Eating: Food is good for the body but overtaking it could lead to indigestion. The Bible warns us about over- eating. Proverbs 23:20 3. Dressing: Clothes protect us from heat and cold.  However, we must avoid dressing that looks abnormal 4. Drugs: We must not involve ourselves in self- medication. Also, drugs like cigarette, marijuana, cocaine should be avoided. 5. Talking: This is an act of communication but we must  control what we say. Even the Bible warns us to tame our tongues. James 3:6 Moral Lesson: Moderation is a good attitude; however, it requires self-control. Topic: Some Evils of Alcoholism Bible passages:  Pro...


MEANING OF RELATIONSHIP: Relationship is the way two people or groups behave towards each other, or the tie, degree of kinship or intimacy, affinity in an affair. A relationship develops when people live, play, do things together or worship together. MEANING OF FAMILY                                                      A family is a group of people who are related by blood or by marriage. Families are the origin of human communities. Some members of a family include father, mother, children, relatives, grandparents and in-laws. TYPES OF FAMILY There are two different types of family e.g. nuclear, extended, paternal and maternal family. The Two Major Types of Family are: The Nuclear Family – is made up of husband...