
Lessons from the service of Joseph and Ruth (WEEK 7)

  Lessons from the service of Joseph and Ruth:   1. The lives of Ruth and Joseph show us that God rewards hard work and commitment. 2. There are blessings in rendering faithful and loyal service to God, our country and fellow human beings.   God blessed Ruth with a good husband and Joseph became a minister in a foreign land. 3. Christians are blessed with eternal life for faithfulness to God. 4. National Award.   Life in God’s service 1peter 2:18-25 God is King and we are his servants. Those who are above us in authority are standing in place of God. Therefore we should serve them faithfully with respect and in humility. We may suffer in the course of our service to God. But we should bear our suffering patiently. This is because Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour also suffered in his service to God but bore it patiently. Christians in the service of God should follow the good example of Jesus; render faithful and loyal service to God and endure the suf...
    CALL TO SERVICE.    (i) Joseph is sold to Egypt. Gen. 37:12 -36    (ii) Joseph served in Egypt. Gen.41: 37-57 A. Meaning of service Service is doing some work which one is called upon  to perform or one volunteer to do. In service, one is  expected to do the work with all his or her heart,  mind and strength. When this happens, one is said to  have rendered faithful, loyal and accountable service. B. Examples of people who serve in the bible:- (i) Joseph is sold to Egypt. Gen. 37:12 -36 Joseph served his father faithfully. At the age of  seventeen, he was shepherding the flock with his  brothers. On one occasion, his father sent him to go  and give food to his brothers on the field. On getting  there, he couldn’t find them at Shechem where they  were, he went further to Dothan where he found  them. His brothers caught him and sold him to some  Ishmaelite traders for twenty shekels of s...


 SERMON ON THE MOUNT/THE DEMAND OF THE KINGDOM BIBLE REFERENCES: MATTHEW 5:1-12. MATTHEW 5:13-16. MATTHEW 6:14-15 THE BEATITUDES Beatitudes mean a state of total happiness, blessedness, success and prosperity. In the book of Matthew, there are nine beatitudes stated by Christ while He taught on the mount as each began with the word “blessed” . It simply signifies the reward for faithful followers of Christ who obeys His commandment. The nine beatitudes are as follows: 1.  Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 2.  Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. 3.  Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. 4.  Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. 5.  Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. 6.  Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 7.  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called ...


  THE BIRTH OF ISAAC AND THE CIRCUMCISION OF MALE CHILDREN (Gen. 21:1-8) When Abraham was 99 years old, God appeared to him and made a covenant (agreement) with him. The agreement was extended to all the descendants of Abraham.In the agreement, God promised to bless   Abraham if he continued to obey Him. God told Abraham that his wife who was barren would give birth to a baby boy. They believed the promise and soon afterwards his wife conceived and bore him a son at the age of ninety while he (Abraham) was hundred years old. The child was named Isaac meaning laughter . Exactly eight days after Isaac was born, Abraham demonstrated his obedience to God by circumcising him.   ABRAHAM DEMONSTRATES HIS OBEDIENCE IN THE SACRIFICE OF ISAAC . (Gen. 22:1-18) When Isaac was about twelve years of age, God asked Abraham to go and offer the child as a sacrifice to Him in the land of Moriah. God wanted to test Abraham’s obedience and confidence because He knew Abraham loved...


  CA LL OF JESUS DISCIPLE Jesus calls His first four disciples.  Matt 8: 18-22, Mk 1: 14-20, Luke 5: 1-11   A disciple is a pupil, student or follower who receives instructions from his teacher or his master . The first four disciples were Peter and his brother, Andrew; and the two brothers, James and John.   According to Matthew and Mark, one day, as Jesus  was walking along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Peter  and Andrew casting their net into the sea, for they  were fishermen. Jesus called them to be his disciples  saying: “ follow me, and l will make you fishers of  men. ” And immediately, they followed Jesus. A few  meters away from where Jesus called Peter and  Andrew, Jesus met the two brothers, James and  John, the sons of Zebedee. They were with their  father mending their broken nets. Jesus called them  and immediately, they left their father and followed  him.   The gospel of Luke gives another...


  TOPIC: CALL TO OBEDIENCE SUB-TOPICS : (A) Meaning of obedience (B) The call of Abraham Gen. 12:1-4 (c) Blessings from obeying God’s call. Gen. 12:5-9 CONTENT: Meaning of Obedience Obedience means doing what you are told to do. It is to comply with the rules and regulations at home and at school, and with the laws in the community. It is to adhere to instructions given to us or to act upon any order or command given to us.   Abraham obeys God’s call (Genesis 12:1-4) Abraham’s father was Terah. He was the descendants of one of those people who were scattered in small language groups after the Tower of Babel incident. He grew up in Ur of Chaldeans. When Terah died in Haran, Abraham a young man took over the responsibilities of his family. Abraham lived with his family till he was seventy five-years. God then called Abraham and told him: “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.’’   Blessing ...


  TOPIC: CALL TO REPENTANCE. (a) The Meaning of Repentance. (b) King David obeys God’s call to repentance. 2 Sam.  12:7-13, Ps. 51:1-19 (c) Zacchaeus. Luke 19:1-9       A.   THE MEANING OF REPENTANCE.                           To repent means to regret, be sorry, feel sorrow or feel ashamed for any wrong done. Therefore, repentance is the act of regretting or feeling sorry or ashamed for any wrongdoing. It is the realization that what we have done is bad/wrong and we are ready to apologize and ask for forgiveness.     B. KING DAVID OBEYS GOD’S CALL TO REPENTANCE. 2 Sam. 12:7-13, Ps. 51:1-19   David was the second King of Israel. The Israelite army was fighting against the Ammonites. David did not go to fight the war. One day as he was walking on the rooftop of his house, he saw a beautiful woman next door taking her bath. David asked his servants who the woman ...