
Showing posts from September, 2020


  BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES AND  THEIR MEANING Memory Verse: John 3:5 " Unless one is born anew (born again), he cannot enter the Kingdom of God." Baptism: This is one of the teachings of the church. To baptize means to dip into the water. Incarnation: This means God coming into the world in the form of a human being. (John1:14) New Birth: The new birth means entering the kingdom of God by being baptized with water and the Holy Spirit. Atonement: This means to be at one with God. The atonement is about Jesus dying for our sins once and for all so that we can be at peace with God. Grace: Grace means a favour that we do not deserve.            The Day of Judgment: The Day of Judgment is the day when God will judge the character of everyone through Jesus Christ. Resurrection from the dead: Resurrection means raising someone from the dead. Ascension into heaven:   Ascension means going up into heaven. Ete...


  God’s creation of the world CONTENT: 1. Biblical Account of the creation. 2.   Why God created human beings.   It is generally believed that the whole world and the heavens were created by God. There are various accounts of creation . Creation is the act of making or causing something to be or exist. It is a way of bringing out something new. The Bible record of creation is that in the beginning, the whole  the world was without form , void and darkness were on the  surface of the deep . God created the world out of nothing.   In the first account of creation, God spent six days in  creating the world while He rested on the seventh day and  hallowed the seventh day. Day 1 God created the light Gen. 1: 1-5. Day 2 God created the firmament ,i.e. the heavens, the sky and the clouds. Gen.     1:6-8 Day 3 God created the seas, land and vegetation ; trees, grasses and other plants Gen 1:9-13. Day 4 God created the heav...


MARRIAGE Marriage can be defined as a partnership between two members of the opposite sex as husband and wife.   TYPES OF MARRIAGE    Ø Monogamous Marriage: This is an approved union of one husband having one wife. Ø Polygamous Marriage: The custom of having more than one wife at the same time.   SOME OF THE PROBLEMS OF MARRIED PEOPLE i.   Misunderstanding: The husband or the wife may fail to understand one another due to differences in their family background. ii.   Financial problems: This may result from the loss of a job or too many responsibilities on the part of the husband iii.   Bad company: Unnecessary relationships with friends and relations who may like to gossip iv.   Childlessness: A situation where the marriage is not blessed with a child or children HOW TO AVOID MARRIAGE FAILURE: 1.     Husband and wife should try to understand each other 2.     They should keep a few friends w...


  JESUS CHOOSES HIS DISCIPLES ( John 1:35-52) Memory verse: John 1:46 "Can anything good come out of  Nazareth?" Nathaniel asked. “Come and see”, said Philip. Definition of terms: i. Rabbi means a teacher. A Rabbi teaches people about God. ii. Messiah means Christ. iii. Cephas means rock iv. A Disciple means a pupil or someone who is undergoing training  under a superior teacher. v. Apostle is a disciple who takes over teaching after the death of his  master. THE TWELVE DISCIPLES OF JESUS CHRIST 1. Andrew  2.  Simon Peter  3.  Philip 4. James 5. John  6.  Bartholomew 7. Matthew  8.  Thaddeus  9.  Simon the zealot  10.  Thomas  11.  James the son of Alpheus 12. Judas Iscariot


  The Birth of Jesus Jesus was born at the time Augustus Caesar made a decree that  there  should be a general census throughout the Roman Empire. One   feature   of the census was that every man should go to his home town for  registration. Joseph and Mary left Nazareth for Bethlehem of Judea.  By the time they arrived in Bethlehem, all the inns and rest houses  had  been occupied. Mary time to give birth to her baby was so near that  Joseph quickly took her to the manger where the animals were  feeding so that she could bear her child there. Mary then gave b birth to Jesus and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in  a manger. Moral lessons: 1.       You must learn to praise and thank God for the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. 2.       You should not doubt God’s plan for others, but rather, you should help to achieve it, like Joseph...


  THE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST 1: The annunciation. ISAIAH 9: 6-7; Matt. 1: 18-25; Luke 1: 26-35 2. The Birth of Jesus. Matt.1: 18-25; Luke 2: 1-7. Sub-Topic 1: The Annunciation of the birth of Jesus. God made preparation for the birth of Jesus Christ because he wanted to save the world from sin through Jesus Christ. From the time of Adam and Eve till the coming of Jesus Christ, the man had continued to sin against God and reject His Kingdom. Man’s sin had separated him from God. Man needed forgiveness of sins so that the good relationship between him and God would be restored. In the Old Testament, God sent the prophet Isaiah to announce the birth of Jesus . Isaiah prophesied the birth of the Saviour, saying “ Behold, a young woman (virgin) shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel which means: God is with us. The name of the Saviour would be Emmanuel ‘Emmanuel’ is a Hebrew name and it means “God is with us”. God is with us through Jesus Christ...


  CHRISTIAN NAMING, CHRISTENING AND BIRTHDAY  CEREMONY Luke 2:21-38 Memory verse:   Luke 2:21 “And the at end of eight days,  he  was circumcised, he was called Jesus...” Christian naming ceremony: This usually takes place seven  or eight days after our birth. The child is given both Christian  and local names. Christening ceremony: Christening takes place forty days  after our birth. This means the presentation of the child in the  Church. It is also called child dedication. Naming and Presentation of Jesus: When Jesus was forty days old, he was presented in the  temple by his earthly parents (Mary and Joseph) according to  the Law of Moses. In the temple, they met Simeon the priest  and Anna the prophetess who prayed and blessed Jesus.


    Family A  family  is  a group consisting of parent(s) and their children living together as a unit. TYPES OF FAMILY Nuclear Family:                  The  nuclear family  is the traditional type of family structure. This family type consists of two parents and children. The nuclear family was long held in esteem by society as being the ideal in which to raise children. Single Parent Family:                                                                                  ...


  NATIONAL IDENTITY National identity is a person's identity or sense of belonging to one  state or to one nation. It is the sense of a nation as a cohesive whole,  as represented by distinctive traditions, culture, language and  politics.   SOME NATIONAL SYMBOLS IN NIGERIA 1.       Coat of Arms 2.       The Nigerian Flag 3.       The Nigerian Naira note 4.       The National Anthem 5.       The National Pledge 6.       The National Flower of Nigeria Coat of Arms: It was created and adopted in May 1960. The Coat of  Arms consist of the images that express different meanings: Black  shield and colourful wreath over the shield stand for fertile the soil of Nigeria; White horses mean dignity; Red Eagle is for the strength of the nation; White lines in the “Y” shape stand for two main river...

PAUL'S EARLY -YEAR 6 2020/2021

  PAUL'S EARLY LIFE (Acts 8:1-3;    7:54-60; 22:3-5; 23:6) Memory verse: Acts 7:56 “Look”, he said, “I see heaven open and the son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” Apostle Paul was a Jew by birth but Roman by citizenship.  He was born in Tarsus in Cilicia . Paul studied law under a Great  teacher called Gamaliel. After he graduated from the synagogue  school, he was given the title " Ben Torah which means " Son of the  Law ". He belongs to the religious group called the Pharisees .  The Pharisees were often described as self-righteous people.  Before Paul believes in Jesus, his name was Saul. This was because  he was of the tribe of Benjamin. The name Paul means "Little".  His main activity before his conversion was to persecute Christians.  And this made the Christians to scattered from Jerusalem  throughout  the region of Judea and Samaria. Similarly, when Stephen was being  stoned to death,...

FAMILY-YEAR 1 2020/2021

  FAMILY A family is a group of people who are closely related by blood. Members of the family include father, mother, children, uncles, aunts cousins etc Roles of family members Father: 1.       He is the head of the family 2.       He provides money for the family upkeep 3.       He protects the family.   Mother:   1.       She helps daddy to take care of the home. 2.       She cooks our foods 3.       She washes our clothes. Children: 1.       We help our parents with work at home


  THE PROMISE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT                                                              CONTENTS:  1. The Promise –John 14; 16:5-16; Acts 1:3-5,8   2. The Coming of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:1-13.  THE PROMISE       The Holy Spirit is referred to as God the Spirit. He is the third  personality in the trinity of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is  also called the counsellor, comforter, instructor and teacher   that direct the affairs of the Church. The Greek name for the  Holy Spirit is paraclete . Jesus made several appearances to His disciples within the  period of forty days after His resurrection. It was durin...